Who we are

Our website address is: https://vasttek.se.

Authorised Name: Västtek- Västra Götaland Tekniska Företag

General terms and conditions:

1. General

1.1 These terms and conditions govern the relationship between the customer and Västtek (part of Fledge Sverige AB, 559135-3387) with respect to the service, the Customer has chosen (hereinafter referred to as the service). The Service may, depending on the Customer’s order include web hosting, domain name, Domain, DNS, API, VPS, Design, Web/Program/Applications Development. Extra Services and Third-Party products or other service such as Västtek where time offers.


2. The service


2.1 The content of the Service is specified in a separate order confirmation invoice.


2.2 Västtek reserves the right to change the scope and the content of the Service, or to cease all or part of the Service if required for technical reasons or on due to law or other government regulation. The customer always has the right to terminate the Agreement in the event of such a change.


2.3 Västtek provides support for the Service under subscription period via either phone or email as well as information on Västtek’s website. Treatment time may be affected as in some cases we are dependent on third parties and may be referred to third party channels.


2.4 Customer information and customer data may provide to third parties where necessary for the service to geneerate. For example, facebook ad or related services, Google ad or related services.


2.5 Domain names are registered in the Customer’s name and has by the Customer. However, Västtek reserves the right to stand as an administrative, technical and / or invoicing contact for domain name to the extent that Västtek deems it necessary.


2.6 Västtek has the right to sign all domain names as registered by Västtek for the Customer with security get DNSSEC. If the Customer does not want to use this extension can The customer himself deactivates it inside the Västtek Customer Zone.


2.7 The customer must be at least 18 years old to be able to order the service.


3. Contract period for the Service etc.


3.1 The service runs according to the period in which the Customer chooses in connection with the order, starting from the date service has been issued by Västtek. If the Agreement has been entered into distance, e.g. via the Internet, however, the Customer has the right to cancel the Agreement by notifying Västtek within 30 days from the date of the order confirmation.


3.2 However, what is said in section 3.1 about the right of withdrawal applies not for the Domain Name service and other third-party services the withdrawal period or if the Customer starts using the service by, for example, paying an advance invoice or by

login in Västtek Kundzon.


3.3 The agreement is terminated by termination or by payment for the coming period is not made. A termination can also be made via e-mail or letter with using the form available on Västtek Customer Zone must have customer number and personal or corporate registration number is stated.


3.4 If the Customer wishes to change the subscription period, submit such a request to Västtek no later than the same day the current subscription period expires. Possibly outstanding invoices must also be paid. Change of subscription period enters into force when Västtek sends out confirmation that the change in subscription the period is executed.


3.5 Either party has the right to in writing by e-mail or letter terminate the Agreement to immediate termination if (1) the other party commits a material breach of contract and, in it if correction is possible, do not take correction within 14 days upon written request to that effect with reference to this provision, or (2) a party is declared bankrupt or liquidated is the subject of composition proceedings or otherwise part is insolvent. Furthermore, Västtek has the right to terminate

The agreement with immediate effect if it can reasonably be adopted that the continued dissemination of information in the Service is contrary to law or other government constitution, if Västtek is caused malfunctions which can reasonably be assumed to be due to faults or technical disturbances attributable to the Customer or about the Customer abuses Västtek’s support.


3.6 3.6 In all cases where Västtek has the right to terminate the Service until immediate termination, Västtek also has the right to close of the Service pending further investigation. Västtek has also the right to close the Service as a result of a police report, investigation, dispute or the like regarding the Service on Västtek considers that this is necessary to prevent any crime or that changes are made that may difficult case. Västtek also has the right to close the Service if the Customer’s installation is outdated or contains security threaten. Västtek also has the right to update the installation to the Customer without notifying it.


3.7 Upon termination of the Service, Västtek has the right to more about this via the Customer’s website or via e-mail. At reactivation of the Service, the Customer will be charged a start-up fee.


4. Fees for the Service


4.1 Fees for the Service are paid in the form of advance payment by invoice. Payment must be made no later than 30 days after tour date, however, before the Service expires. The customer is responsible that the correct OCR number is entered when paying so that matching of payment against correct invoice can be performed.


4.2 Before each new contract period, Västtek sends out at least an invoice for renewal if the Service can and must be renewed by Västtek. Västtek is not responsible for the renewal of the Service if the Customer has not paid the invoice for renewal before the service expires and / or before the due date for renewal invoice or not paid in full. In that case, Västtek cannot renew the service where the Customer is responsible for renewal.


4.3 Västtek has the right to terminate the Service if the Customer fails to pay on time or has not paid in full, provided that at least one written payment reminder or warning has been sent to the Customer, either via e-mail or laughs letters. Upon termination of the Service, Västtek has the right to inform about this via the Customer’s website or e-mail. At reactivation of the Service, the Customer will be charged a start-up fee.


4.4 The customer must notify Västtek as soon as possible if the invoice is considered inaccurate. Has the Customer objected to the invoice in time and stated one factual basis against the charge, Västtek shall grant a deferral with the payment of the disputed amount? Granted deferment default interest is payable on that part of the disputed amount which customer is obliged to pay.


4.5 Västtek is entitled to charge interest on arrears in accordance with from the due date and until payment is completed.


4.6 A fee change can only take effect in connection with new subscription period. Fee increase presupposes for its validity that Västtek sent written notice to the customer at least 30 days in advance, by e-mail or letter or through information on Västtek’s websites. Fee reduction do not need to be notified in advance.


4.7 Temporary promotional prices do not affect fees for ongoing Services.


4.8 Reimbursement of fees for domain names does not take place.


4.9 In the event that Västtek terminates the Service prematurely due to the Customer’s breach of contract in accordance with clause 3.5 is not refunded paid fee for current or future period.


4.10 Service that is not renewed as a result of non-payment and / or termination expires immediately, except domain names, which remain dormant during a quarantine period up to 90 days before they are deregistered. During this time the Customer can reactivate the Service at a cost.


4.11 Incorrect payments from the Customer, such as overpayments payments on credited invoices, etc., are registered as a credit in the Customer’s account. Credit

amount can be used for payment of future invoices. If The customer has not used his credit within 2 years from the date on which the payment was registered on the Customer’s account until it is due, unless the customer is to be regarded as according to the distance and home sale act (2005:59) and the balance exceeds SEK 1,000. Refund of non-overdue receivables are made at the request of the Customer.


4.12 Payment for Västtek PREPAID is registered as a credit on the Customer’s account and can be used for payment of future invoices within 2 years when the receivable expires. Västtek PREPAID will not be refunded.


4.13 In the event that the Customer orders services from Västtek’s partners, the Customer is solely responsible for payment for any cost attributable to such service.


5. Transfer of the Service etc.


5.1 The Customer may transfer the Service after Västtek’s consent the. A transfer shall be carried out in accordance with the country rules. Information can be downloaded from Västtek’s website, www.Västtek.se. A transfer can be effected from the date inches when Västtek notifies the Customer that it has agreed the transfer. The withdrawing party is liable for payment for obligations that arose before a transfer has implemented. The incoming party is liable for payment. The withdrawing party is obliged to settle any outstanding debts to Västtek


5.2 The customer may not fully or partially pledge his rights  obligations and / or obligations under the Agreement to another without Västtek’s condition.

5.3 Västtek may transfer the Service to another company that can be expected to respect those rights and obligations Västtek has towards the Customer.


  1. Västtek’s responsibility

6.1 Västtek and / or a subcontractor have the right to take measures that affect the availability of the Service if it is required by technical, maintenance, operational or safety reasons, or due to law, government decisions or decisions taken by the competent registration unit for missing domain names or by such registration entity designated competent organization. Compensation for unavailability during maintenance is not paid.


6.2 Västtek is responsible for errors in the Service that consist of it doesn’t meet the agreed specification. Errors are not considered clear deviations, nor restrictions on accessibility. Västtek has the right to do so under these Terms and Conditions terms.


6.3 About the Customer as a result of errors caused by Västtek has not been able to use the Service, the Customer is entitled to setting of the applicable fee corresponding to the error extent. Such reduction shall take place with regard to it time during which the error occurred in relation to the fee for the Service. Demands for reductions must be made in writing no later than 30 days after the error has been remedied.


6.4 Västtek is not responsible for indirect damage such as loss of profit, lost turnover, loss of information nor for distortion of information due to third party unauthorized intrusion into Västtek’s computer resources.


6.5 The amount limit specified in clause 6.4 applies not in relation to the Customer who is to be regarded as meant according to the Distance and Home Sales Act (2005: 59).


6.6 Claims for damages shall, in order to be valid, read within a reasonable time after the Customer has noticed or should marked the basis for the claim.


6.7 Although Västtek provides backup, there are no a guarantee that the backup will work properly and that the content will be completely restored or fed correctly. The customer is solely responsible for arranging separate backup of the data the Customer considers to be of value for the customer.


6.8 Västtek has the right to access all information in the Service in order to fulfill their rights and obligations under the Agreement.


6.9 If an error or damage occurs to the Customer, or Västtek’s other customers or systems, or if such error If such damage is likely to occur, Västtek has the right to take measures to avoid injury. Västtek owns it the right to fix security holes in the Customer’s code.


6.10 Västtek is also free to provide such code and grams that Västtek reasonably deems harmful Västtek and / or Västtek’s customers or third-party systems for analysis. Such third party shall observe confidentiality. For its case analysis shows that the code is malicious, Västtek has the right to remove this from the Service.


6.11 The customer is responsible for any integration of the interface Västtek provides for data management, Västtek is not responsible for errors in integration maintenance, malfunctions or other events that affect the Customer’s integration.


7. Amendments to the Agreement


7.1 Västtek has the right to make changes to these general terms’ conditions with effect from 30 days after the new general the terms and conditions have been published and notified to the Customer. The customer always has the right to terminate the Agreement upon the entry into force of the amendment.


Appendix A – Personal data assistant agreement


Personal data controller: “The customer” and

Personal data assistant: Västtek (A part of Fledge Sverige AB, 559135-3387)

Country of establishment: Sweden


The “Personal Data Assistant” refers to Västtek (A part of Fledge Sverige AB, 559135-3387) for the services specified in Västtek (A part of Fledge Sverige AB, 559135-3387) General Terms and Conditions, 1 General. By Personal Data Manager is meant the Customer. Västtek’s contact person for general questions about the agreement and Västtek’s processing of personal data is reported at https://vasttek.se/privacy-policy/.

A1. Introduction

A1.1 Both Parties confirm that the undersigned has the authority to enter into this Personal Data Assistant Agreement (“Agreement”) which is an integral part of the service agreement (s) signed between the Parties (the “Service Agreement”). This Agreement regulates the Processing of Personal Data due to the Service Agreement in force at any given time.

A1.2 Västtek Agreeability with Västtek’s Privacy Statement available at https://vasttek.se/privacy-policy/


A2. Definitions

A2.1 Definition of Personal Data, Special Categories of Personal Data (Sensitive Personal Data), Processing of Personal Data, Registered, Personal Data Officer and Personal Data Assistant are the same as used in applicable data protection legislation, including the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), valid in this Agreement and in Europe from 25 May 2018 and at any time applicable national supplementary legislation, collectively referred to below as “Applicable Personal Data Legislation”.

A2.2 In this document, the Personal Data Controller is referred to as “the Customer” or “the Party”, the Personal Data Assistant as “Västtek” or “the Party” and collectively as the “Parties”.

A3. Extent

A3.1 The agreement regulates Västtek’s processing of personal data on behalf of the Customer and describes how Västtek is to ensure data protection, through technical and organizational measures in accordance with current data protection legislation.

A3.2 The purpose of Västtek’s Processing of Personal Data on behalf of the Customer is to fulfill obligations under the Service Agreement.

A3.3 This Agreement has precedence over any conflicting provisions regarding the Processing of Personal Data in Service Agreements or in other agreements entered into between the Parties.

A4. Västtek obligations

A4.1 Västtek may only Process Personal Data on behalf of and in accordance with the Customer’s documented instructions. By entering into this Agreement, the Customer instructs Västtek to Process Personal Data in the following manner:

  1. i) only in accordance with applicable law;

  2. ii) to fulfill all obligations under the Service Agreement,

iii) as further specified through the Customer’s normal use of Västtek’s services and

(iv) as set forth in this Agreement.

What is stated above also applies to the transfer of personal data to third countries.

A4.2 The Västtek Reason for believing that there is legislation that prevents Västtek from following the instructions given above. Västtek shall, after becoming aware of this, inform the Customer in cases where the Customer’s instructions or processing, according to Västtek, contravene applicable data protection legislation.

A4.3 The categories of Registered and Personal Data covered by the Processing in this Agreement are set out in this document.

A4.4 Västtek shall ensure the confidentiality, integrity and availability of Personal Data in accordance with Applicable Personal Data Act. Västtek shall implement systematic, organizational and technical measures to ensure an appropriate level of security, taking into account the latest technology and implementation costs in relation to the risk involved in the Processing, and the type of Personal Data to be protected.

A4.5 Västtek’s Customer complies with technical and organizational measures, as far as possible taking into account the type of Processing and the information available to Västtek, to fulfill the Customer’s obligations under applicable data protection legislation regarding inquiries from Registered and general data protection according to Data Protection Regulation Articles 32-36.

A4.6 If the Customer needs information about security measures, documentation or other information about how Västtek processes Personal Data, and such requests involve more information than the standard information provided by Västtek to comply with applicable data protection legislation as a Personal Data Assistant, and this means more work for Västtek, Västtek may charge the Customer for such additional services.

A4.7 Västtek and its personnel shall ensure the confidentiality of Personal Data Processed under this Agreement. This condition applies even after the Agreement has expired.

A4.8 Västtek’s through urgent and unnecessarily delayed notification to the Customer, enable the Customer to comply with the legal requirements that apply to information to relevant data protection authorities and Registered concerning personal data incidents.

A4.9 Forward Västtek, to the extent practicable and lawful, notify the Customer of; i) requests for disclosure of Personal Data received from a Registered ii) requests from authorities, for example the Police, for disclosure of Personal Data.

A4.10 Västtek receives no direct response to inquiries from Registered without consent from the Customer. Västtek may not disclose content relating to the Agreement to authorities such as the Police, including Personal Data, with the exception of what is required by law, for example through court decisions or similar decisions.

A4.11 Västtek control over whether and how the Customer chooses to use any third-party integrations via Västtek’s API, via direct database connection or the like. The responsibility for such integrations with third parties lies solely with the Customer. Västtek is not responsible as Västtek for any processing of Personal Data through such third-party integration.

A5. Customer obligations

A5.1 By signing this Agreement, the Customer confirms that the Customer:

  • wide use of the services provided by Västtek in accordance with the Service Agreement, Process Personal Data in accordance with the requirements of applicable data protection legislation,

  • has the legal right to process and disclose current Personal Information to Västtek (including any assistants used by Västtek);

  • the sole responsibility, integrity, content, reliability and legality of the Personal Data provided to Västtek;

  • has fulfilled all the mandatory requirements and notifications to report to or obtain permission from the relevant authorities for the processing of Personal Data,

  • has fulfilled its obligations to provide

used information to data subjects regarding the processing of personal data in accordance with current personal data legislation,

  • agrees that Västtek has provided guarantees regarding the implementation of technical and organizational security measures that are sufficient to protect the data subject’s privacy and personal data;

  • the use of the services provided by Västtek under the Service Agreement does not transfer any Sensitive Personal Data, or data relating to convictions in criminal cases and violations to Västtek. In the event of such transfer, Västtek cannot be held responsible for incorrect processing of this Sensitive Personal Data,

  • Maintain an up-to-date register of the types and categories of Personal Data that it processes.

A6. Use of assistants and data transfer

A6.1 As part of the delivery of services to the Customer Service Agreement and this Agreement, Västtek may use subcontractors in the role of assistant. Such sub-assistants may be sister companies to Västtek (A part of Fledge Sverige AB, 559135-3387) or external subcontractors (third parties) within or outside the EU. Västtek shall ensure that subcontractors through agreements agree to assume liability that corresponds to the obligations specified in this Agreement.

A6.2 Current subcontractors with access to Personal Data are published on Västtek’s Privacy website https://vasttek.se/privacy-policy/ who through this Agreement have been accepted as sub-assistants by the Customer.

A6.3 The Customer may at any time request a complete overview and more detailed information about the subcontractors involved in the delivery of the service in accordance with the Service Agreement.

A6.4 If the subcontractors are outside the EU, Västtek must ensure that the transfer takes place in accordance with Applicable Personal Data Legislation. The Customer hereby grants Västtek the authority and authority to ensure appropriate legal bases for the transfer of Personal Data outside the EU on behalf of the Customer, for example by signing EU standard contract clauses on behalf of the Customer.

A6.5 The customer must be notified at least 30 days before changes are made regarding subcontractors who Process Personal Data. Notification shall be made to the e-mail address specified by the Customer in accordance with Västtek’s General Terms and Conditions, section 7.8. If the new subcontractor demonstrably does not comply with current data protection legislation and the subcontractor still does not comply with current data protection legislation, after Västtek has been given a reasonable time to ensure that the subcontractor complies with the regulations, the Customer may terminate the Agreement. Such termination may entail the right to terminate the Service Agreement, in whole or in part, in accordance with the termination clauses contained in the respective Service Agreement. An important part of such assessments shall be the extent to which the subcontractor’s Processing of Personal Data is a necessary part of the services provided in accordance with the Service Agreement. A change of subcontractor should not in itself be considered a breach of a Service Agreement.

A6.6 By signing this Agreement, the Customer accepts that Västtek uses subcontractors in the manner described above.

A7. Security

A7.1 Västtek is committed to providing a high level of security in its products and services. Västtek provides the level of security through organizational, technical and physical security measures, in accordance with the information security requirements described in Article 32 of the Data Protection Ordinance. The following measures are of particular importance in this regard:

  • Classification of Personal Data to ensure the implementation of security measures that correspond to risk assessment.

  • Evaluation of the use of encryption and pseudonymization as risk-reducing factors.

  • Restriction of Access to Personal Data that requires access to fulfill the obligations of this Agreement or the Service Agreement.

  • Use of systems that detect, restore, prevent and report personal data incidents.

  • Carrying out security analyzes to assess the quality of current technical and organizational measures to protect Personal Data, taking into account the requirements of current data protection legislation.

A8. Auditing rights

A8.1 The customer has the right to carry out an annual audit of Västtek in compliance with the terms of the Agreement. If required by law, the Customer may request audits more often. As Västtek (A part of Fledge Sverige AB, 559135-3387)’s services are multi-user environments, the Customer gives Västtek the authority, for security reasons, to decide that an audit shall be performed by a neutral third-party auditor chosen by Västtek.

A8.2 If the requested audit area is the ISAE, ISO or similar audit report performed by a qualified third party auditor within the previous 12 months, and Västtek confirms that there are no known significant changes in the audited actions, the Customer accepts this audit report instead of requesting a new revision of measures already under review.

A8.3 If the Customer does not accept the Västtek selected third-party auditor, the Customer may, together with Västtek (A part of Fledge Sverige AB, 559135-3387), choose another neutral third-party auditor.

A8.4 The customer incurs any costs incurred in connection with the requested audits. Assistance from Västtek that exceeds the standard service provided by Västtek and / or Västtek’s subcontractors to comply with applicable data protection laws will be charged.

A9. Duration and termination

A9.1 This Agreement is valid as long as Västtek processes Personal Data on behalf of the Customer in accordance with the applicable Service Agreement.

A9.2 The agreement terminates automatically when the Service Agreement expires. When the Agreement terminates, Västtek will delete or return Personal Data that is Processed on behalf of the Customer, in accordance with the applicable clauses in the respective Service Agreement. Unless otherwise agreed in writing, the cost of such measures shall be based on; i) hourly rate for Västtek’s time and ii) the complexity of the requested process.

A9.3 Västtek may retain Personal Data after the Agreement has been terminated, to the extent required by law, with the same type of technical and organizational security measures as described in this Agreement.

A10. Responsibility

A10.1 Liability for breach of the terms of this agreement shall be governed by liability clauses in the respective Service Agreement between the Parties. This also applies to any violations committed by Västtek subcontractors.

A11. Applicable law and jurisdiction

A11.1 This Agreement is subject to the jurisdiction specified in the respective Service Agreement between the Parties.

A12. Categories of Personal Data and Registered

A12.1 When Västtek services include that the Customer arbitrarily processes data within the services, it is not possible to generally report the categories of Registered and Personal data that are covered by Processing. This information is the responsibility of the Customer to register.

A12.2 The customer may not transfer any Sensitive Personal information to Västtek. In the event of such transfer, Västtek cannot be held responsible for incorrect processing of this Sensitive Personal Data. Sensitive Personal Data is defined in Current Personal Data Legislation, ie:

  • racial-ethnic origins, political views, religious or philosophical beliefs,

  • data health,

  • information about a person’s sexual life or sexual orientation,

  • membership in a trade union,

  • genetic data or biometric data to clearly identify a natural person

A12.3 Nor can the Customer transfer personal data be relating to convictions in criminal cases and violations.

A13. Overview of current subcontractors

A13.1 Current subcontractors to Västtek’s who have access to the Customer’s Personal Data are reported at https://vasttek.se/privacy-policy/








Suggested text: When visitors leave comments on the site we collect the data shown in the comments form, and also the visitor’s IP address and browser user agent string to help spam detection.

An anonymized string created from your email address (also called a hash) may be provided to the Gravatar service to see if you are using it. The Gravatar service privacy policy is available here: https://automattic.com/privacy/. After approval of your comment, your profile picture is visible to the public in the context of your comment.


Suggested text: If you upload images to the website, you should avoid uploading images with embedded location data (EXIF GPS) included. Visitors to the website can download and extract any location data from images on the website.


Suggested text: If you leave a comment on our site you may opt-in to saving your name, email address and website in cookies. These are for your convenience so that you do not have to fill in your details again when you leave another comment. These cookies will last for one year.

If you visit our login page, we will set a temporary cookie to determine if your browser accepts cookies. This cookie contains no personal data and is discarded when you close your browser.

When you log in, we will also set up several cookies to save your login information and your screen display choices. Login cookies last for two days, and screen options cookies last for a year. If you select “Remember Me”, your login will persist for two weeks. If you log out of your account, the login cookies will be removed.

If you edit or publish an article, an additional cookie will be saved in your browser. This cookie includes no personal data and simply indicates the post ID of the article you just edited. It expires after 1 day.

Embedded content from other websites

Suggested text: Articles on this site may include embedded content (e.g. videos, images, articles, etc.). Embedded content from other websites behaves in the exact same way as if the visitor has visited the other website.

These websites may collect data about you, use cookies, embed additional third-party tracking, and monitor your interaction with that embedded content, including tracking your interaction with the embedded content if you have an account and are logged in to that website.

Who we share your data with

Suggested text: If you request a password reset, your IP address will be included in the reset email.

How long we retain your data

Suggested text: If you leave a comment, the comment and its metadata are retained indefinitely. This is so we can recognize and approve any follow-up comments automatically instead of holding them in a moderation queue.

For users that register on our website (if any), we also store the personal information they provide in their user profile. All users can see, edit, or delete their personal information at any time (except they cannot change their username). Website administrators can also see and edit that information.

What rights you have over your data

Suggested text: If you have an account on this site, or have left comments, you can request to receive an exported file of the personal data we hold about you, including any data you have provided to us. You can also request that we erase any personal data we hold about you. This does not include any data we are obliged to keep for administrative, legal, or security purposes.

Where we send your data

Suggested text: Visitor comments may be checked through an automated spam detection service